Our Vision
Construction Management Company is a provider of consulting services, design and construction of industrial EPC projects. It has a broad range of experiences in national and international projects and based on its capability, creativity of its personnel, and utilization of modern managing methods is determined to continue to improve in the field of quality management system based on ISO 9001-2008 edition standard. Its main vision can be categorized as follows:
- Reverence and respect for all stakeholders and raising their level of satisfaction and trust.
- Strengthening the company's position as an international organization and increasing sales in national, regional and global markets.
- Improving the relations with suppliers and contractors based on long-term common interests through outsourcing activities and enhancing the quality of their processes by monitoring their performance.
- Ongoing efforts to improve service quality and effectiveness of the quality management system.
- Training and instructing the workforce and increasing their participation as the most valuable corporate asset.
- Providing safe and healthy work environment for employees, contractors, and other stakeholders to eliminate accidents in the ongoing projects of the company.
- Efficient use of equipment, resources and facilities.
Company management board fully committed to the mentioned goals, believes that their main responsibility is to establish a quality management system and ensure customer satisfaction in accordance with contract terms, legal, national and international service standards. Since the realization of the above objectives will be achieved only by the intellectual and practical cooperation of all partners, collaboration of all the members is expected to achieve continuous improvement of quality management system. Moreover, being aware of my responsibilities and their impact on the quality of our services, I will provide the required resources, try to improve the spirit of teamwork, and will closely monitor the systematic process of implementing quality management system. It is hoped that with trusting in God and commitment we can take effective steps in optimizing the industry of our beloved country Iran.
CEO, Seyyed Mehdi Mir Abou Talebi